Varna's best beaches sunrises/sunsets

At some point we are realizing that we are part of a whole, a small, but very important piece of the puzzle, called life. Being close to the sea, especialy at the time of sunrise or sunset is helping us to connect even better with our inner self and to feel the connectedness with nature.

Transfer Varna Tip:

Take your time to spent at least an hour close to the sea at that impresive and even much more important time - sunrise or sunset. They said that every sunrise increase the numbers of years lived by one. You can do it alone or a friend, but prefferably not in a big noisy company.

Use that time just to empty your brain from thoughts, merge with the environment or breath or meditate without trying to shape your future desires and destinations. The most proper of them will just appear after this brain discharge.

The best beaches sunrises/sunsets in Varna are close to the sea:

- the Central beach with it's five breakwaters

Asparuhovo beach with it's wide preserved area around the huge beach

Fichosa beach five minutes by car from Varna.

 You could always rely on to book a transfer from airport or from your place and to enjoy the beauty of the region.

Book safely your transfer here

Golden Sands
Real and legendary resort